Halloween party ideas 2015

                               ~Aryan senapati (Managing Editor)

India the pivot point of morality, culture, tradition whose nook and corner exhibits its rich and dynamic heritage. The birth place of eminent personalities like Rani Laxmi Bai is India. The land which has witnessed the valor act of courageous women like Indira Gandhi, Kiran Bedi, Sarojini Naidu to count a few. In India Goddess Durga the embodiment of power is worshipped. This is not the real India.
 The real India is the land where women are treated as inferiors. Indian women are subjected to a pitiable predicament. In India women have to condemn to the atrocious treatment of the society. Here at India usurpers usurp tyrannically the rights of women. Indian women are prey to evil predators like rape, domestic violence, acid attack, immoral trafficking and what not. In India a girl child is killed voraciously before she opens her eye to the world. Indian women are struggling to acquire the much coveted and much deserved dignity as well as reverence.
It’s high time now. Till what instant of time shall we sit and pretend like we are not witnessing the evil and harsh treatment meted by women in India. It’s the need of the hour to provide women with the respect and position that they deserve to behold. The land is shouting with its myriad tongues “PROTECT WOMEN SAVE THE WORLD FROM DESTRUCTION” because they are the one who control the metabolism of the universe. They are the creator of good and destroyer of evil. Women are important agents of social transformation. Empowerment of women is a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.
We the youth can play a crucial role in this issue of women empowerment. It’s the perfect time for us to raise our voice. Rather than depending on the dormant government and governing bodies of India we shall take necessary steps on our own and transform India into a safer place for women to live in.
Be the change you want to see.


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